Discipline and Guidance
[Only Chinese version is updated for this page]
Our ultimate goal is to create a safe and orderly school environment for every school member and help students to develop self-management skills and display socially responsible behaviors. Clear school policy and guidelines are in place to serve such purpose.
Award Schemes
To acknowledge students' effort and outstanding performance in both academic and non-academic areas, various awards will be given to students as encouragement and reinforcement:
Outstanding Student Award
Honour List
Outstanding Academic Award of each subject
Service Award
Outstanding Reading Award
Outstanding Good Brother/Good Sister Award
Green Pioneer
Twinkle Star Award Scheme
Good Brother/ Good Sister Scheme
The scheme aims at nurturing self-discipline and communication skills. Good Brothers/ Good Sisters are also able to develop leadership skills and a positive attitude towards serving others. They are also acting as role models for schoolmates through their services.
Students are expected to behave and present themselves in a responsible manner at all times. They should follow the school rules and be respectful of other people. If a student does not abide by the school rules and does not meet the school's expectations, a logical consequence may be delivered to the student. Consequences include self-reflection, time-out, removal of privilege and school service. When appropriate, we will also arrange individual counseling, teacher-parent-student conference, parent shadowing, detention and even suspension. The misbehavior is documented in the school record at teachers' discretion. Throughout the handling process, our school will communicate and cooperate closely with parents so as to help the students develop positive behavior.
Support for Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD)
We believe that all students should be equally valued in school. We will strive to develop an environment in which all children are included, valued and challenged, whilst having full access to all elements of the school curriculum. We pay particular attention to the provision for and the needs of different groups of students, including those with learning difficulties, those who are gifted and talented, or those with emotional/ behavioral problems.
- Early Identification
- The school’s system for regular observing, assessing and recording the progress of all students is used to identify students who are not progressing satisfactorily and who may have additional needs. Class teachers also work closely with the year level coordinator and student guidance teacher (SGT) to discuss the developmental progress of students and to provide appropriate support when necessary.
- Intervention
- Appropriate support including remedial class, assessment accommodation, curriculum adaptation and extra-developmental programme will be provided for SEN students. For students with emotional/ behavioural difficulties, the SGT/ teachers of Support for SEN/ EBD sub committee will provide individual or group counseling to them.
- Collaboration with parents and community
- It is our aim to work closely with parents to support students with SEN or EBD. Regular meetings with parents will be arranged to discuss the developmental progress and learning situation of students. Outside resources will also be identified to provide additional support to the children.