Student Development

Student Development

Student Development

Student Development


Student Development - “Every student is valuable”


Our Aim


In our belief that all our students are valuable, we strive to develop their well-being and teach them to flourish intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.


Life education and students' character development are core components of our School. We hope, through Positive Education, to help our students achieve all-round development, develop positive values and attitudes, establish self-management skills, and foster in them a sense of responsibility to others and our society.


Our Approach


Positive Education forms the backbone in our approach to implementing student development at HKUGAPS. Using the 6 domains of Positive Education:


  • Positive Relationships,
  • Positive Emotions,
  • Positive Engagement, 
  • Positive Purpose, 
  • Positive Health, and
  • Positive Accomplishment, 

We create experiences whereby students will feel good and do good through the application of their Character Strengths and Growth Mindset. 


To ensure that we maximise our support of our students, the Personal and Social Development and Guidance Committee (PSDG) is the largest committee in the school. It consists of half of our teaching staff and a strong team of committed teachers. Our varied programme has been developed by our 5 sub-committees:


  • Discipline and Guidance (D&G),
  • Life Education (LifeEd),
  • Year-level Class Building (YLC),
  • Learning Support and Guidance (LSGC), and
  • Special Educational Needs (SEN)

With the amount of manpower deployed to student development, we provide a comprehensive and diverse programme which takes care of a student on an individual, class and school basis. This provides the students with experiences to flourish intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically. 


In order to continuously reflect upon and improve our programme, we conduct annual surveys of the different stakeholders, analyse the findings and discuss how the data informs our planning for the subsequent year.


Organisation Chart


Our Partners


Our group of committed and open-minded teachers and our dedicated and supportive parents serve as role models and act as key ingredients to the success of our Programme. In addition, we also actively create partnerships with external NGOs and professionals such as our Education Psychologist and Speech Therapist in order to provide a holistic approach to student development. 


Hopefully, with the concerted effort of every stakeholder, students can flourish intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically and establish “Live It” within the Positive Education model.

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Overview of PSDG Committee

  • Aim
    • To help students develop a positive outlook on life.
  • Objectives
    • Life Values and Attitudes, to help students:
      • develop self direction and meaningful life
      • cultivate positive values (respect, responsibility, love and care)
    • Living Skills, to enable students to:
      • share and consider the needs of others
      • develop social skills
      • cultivate healthy habits
    • Moral Judgment, to enable students to:
      • distinguish right from wrong.
  • Guidance Approaches
    • Teachers as role models
    • Focus on preventive and developmental rather than remedial programmes
    • Whole school approach
    • Partnership with parents and community