Class Schedule

Class Schedule

Class Schedule

Our Class Schedule:


  • School starts at 7:50a.m. From Mondays to Thursdays, classes end at 3:15p.m. On Fridays, classes end at 2:25p.m.
  • Each lesson in the morning is 45 minutes.
  • Assembly / Personal and Social Education (PSE) is arranged on Friday.
  • In order to provide a broad, balanced and creative curriculum, modules are arranged in the afternoon.
  • Morning Reading is held (before 7:50am) to develop students' reading habit.
  • Homeroom periods, Morning Sharing, Assembly, Personal and Social Education lessons, Tutorial lessons are arranged to provide comprehensive moral education.
  • Different extended learning activities (ELA) are provided so as to develop students' multiple intelligences.




Homework & Assessment Policy


  • Students should bring readers home to read with parents every day so that sharing and communication between children and parents can be fostered.
  • Homework policies are set to regulate amount of homework. Emphasis is placed on thinking instead of mechanical drilling.
  • Students are encouraged to learn and self-assess incessantly. The school intends to play down the role of examinations. There are no tests or examinations in P.1 and P.2. There are two summative assessments per year from P.3 to P.6
  • The learning intention and classroom instructions are based on the students' formative assessments and performance. Teachers therefore adjust and modify teaching methods accordingly.