Curriculum Framework
Our School Curriculum Framework
Class Schedule
- In the morning, each lesson is 45 minutes.
- In order to provide a broad, balanced and creative curriculum, modules are arranged in the afternoon.
- Morning Reading is held to cultivate students’ reading habit.
- Morning Sharing, assemblies, class teacher periods, Personal and Social Education lessons are arranged to provide comprehensive moral education.
- Diversified Extended Learning Activities (ELA) are provided so as to develop students’ multiple intelligences.
Reading Promotion Committee (RPC)
In order to encourage the love of reading in our students so they become life-long readers, the RPC provides a diverse range of activities to promote reading by our students. Parental support is pivotal to the success of these activities.
- Book Swap
- Students donate books they have read and in return, they can redeem other titles. In this way, they are giving their old favourite books a new lease of life as well as acquiring new reading materials.
- Battle of the Books (Phases 1 & II)
- Several titles are selected in each phase by Chinese, English, Mathematics and General Studies teachers. Students are asked to read them and to participate in a competition to test their knowledge of the recommended books.
- The Reading Fortnight
- Reading activities such as author visits, Pyjama Reading Day, Character Dress-up Day, Reader’s Theatre performances, activities in the Library, movies in Englishland and treasure hunts will take place.
- Storytelling @ Lunch Recess
- Students are encouraged to sign up and share their favourite story-books with their school-mates through regular lunch recess storytelling sessions.
- D.E.A.R. and Classroom Reading Corners
- Reading corners are set up in each classroom and Chinese and English books are available for students’ leisure reading. Books donated by parents or placed in the classroom by students to share are welcome.
- D.E.A.R. Calendar (P.1-3)
- Students are required to read on a daily basis. The calendar contains a variety of activities which promote reader-text interactions.
- Class Reading Lessons
- During the Morning Reading lessons, all class teachers and students read books together in the classroom.
- Inter-Class Reading Competition
- Starting from October, parents are encouraged to submit the reading records of your child in the school Intranet during the first week of next month. (Please refer to school circular issued at the beginning of the school year for details of the method of recording.) Certificates will be issued to the top three students of each class who can meet the requirements and borrow the largest number of books from our school library.
- Newspaper, Magazine and Book Orders
- In order to encourage students to read different kinds of books, the School Library promotes wholesome quality newspapers and magazines, such as Ming Pao as well as the Scholastic Book Club’s programme which offers an enormous range of books throughout the year.
- Details of the above orders will be issued by circulars.
- Book Fair
- The Book Fairs are often arranged on the Student-led Conference Days, and suitable book suppliers are invited to exhibit various Chinese and English story books, magazines as well as educational software.
Extended Learning Activities
There are different kinds of extended learning activities (ELAs) which include services, physical education activities, cultural activities and other activities.
ELAs cater for students’ needs;
- To further develop students’ cooperation and communication skills.
- To further develop students’ self-esteem, self-confidence and sense of responsibility.
- To further enhance students’ leadership and self-learning ability.
- To further raise students’ awareness of environmental and global issues.
- To further develop their Multiple Intelligences(MI).
- To serve the community.
Therefore, ELAs are activities which are closely related to our curriculum. ELAs target students’ whole person development. These include Friday ELA sessions (E1), weekdays after school and weekend activities (E2 & E3).
E1 - Cater for P3-6 students’ whole development & needs based on the MI approach.
E2 - Cater for student abilities, mainly comprising of sports and performing arts teams. Some enrichment for KLA & Module or gifted / talented program are included in E2. These teams participate in external competitions and performances.
E3 - Cater for P1-2 students’ interest & needs based on the MI approach.