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The Caring Angels Scheme

Student Development
01 Nov 2019
HKUGA Primary School

This scheme is a buddy program in which P.1 students are paired with the P.4s.


In their first ‘match-up’ meeting, our big and little angels exchanged bookmarks that they had made earlier. The P.4 students promised to take care of their little buddies, and they would promote a loving atmosphere in the school together.

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        弟弟妹妹送給小天使親自繪畫的小書籤很漂亮!    配對成功! 小天使與弟弟妹妹玩得很開心!  黃校長給小天使們鼓勵,為他們打打氣!小天使們承諾會關懷和照顧弟弟妹妹,在校園內建立關愛的文化。