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How Children Can Fight the Epidemic and Embrace the Future

Life-wide Learninig
09 Apr - 10 Jul 2020
HKUGA Primary School


With the onset of the epidemic, our lives have been disrupted. Our daily routines, learning and social activities have changed a lot. How can we change and adapt to these changes? When this epidemic has spread throughout the world, how can we do a good job in fighting the epidemic and continue to maintain the motivation to fight the epidemic? How should we equip ourselves to face the challenges of future epidemics and the challenges which come after?



Through this interdisciplinary learning journey, our students can record and reflect on the changes they have faced and its impact on themselves, their families and the society during the epidemic period. Moreover, students can use different type of mode to present their point of views.


This learning journey can be divided into three parts


Part I. The Past: "Impact of the Epidemic"


During the school suspension, how have your lives changed? Name one of the recent biggest "changes" in your life. What are your thoughts or feelings about this change?


Student can use different the following format to record, such as sentences, paragraphs, letters, journals, poems, comic strip photo with descriptions, etc.


Part II. The Present: "Spreading Love During the Epidemic"


2.1 Unknown hero in the epidemic

  • Who do you think are the heroes in this epidemic? Why? 
  • What about medical staff who risk their lives working to serve the citizens? 
  • What can you do to support their work or reduce their workload? Make a pledge, write it down on a card and follow it seriously in daily life.
  • Students display their pledge on a poster as a tribute or commitment to an unknown hero in the epidemic.

2.2 Staying Strong during the Epidemic

  • Use posters and comics to remind yourself and other students how to pay attention to hygiene and the appropriate attitude during the epidemic.


Part III. The Future: "How Global Citizens Can Fight Against the Epidemic"

3.1 HKUGA Kids’ "Hand Wash Song"

  • Our IA teachers have produced a lively music video (MV) of the "Hand Wash Song" to remind all students to maintain good personal hygiene and to wash their hands frequently.
  • Apart from singing and dancing to the MV, students can use their creativity and make a MV with family members demonstrating “At Least 20 Seconds”? The MVs would be broadcast on campus TV after classes resume.

3.2 How World Citizens Fight Against the Epidemic

  • As a global citizen, think of your responsibilities and attitude in the face of this epidemic.How can you care for the community and what actions should you take?
  • Think of one inappropriate behaviour and create a slogan to demonstrate: The impact of this kind of behaviour on the society and encourage all citizens to behave appropriately.

3.3 Anti-epidemic tips

  • If you receive a mission to go to a place which is infected with the coronavirus, but you do not have masks or protective gear, how can you protect yourself?
  • Students demonstrate their creativity for design and use some equipment to protect ourselves, such as drawing, model, video etc.

Photo Gallery

2C(01) 陳焯然 童行2.1 - 海報設計6D(26) 鄧凱琳 童行2.2 - 海報設計5A(21) 鄧穎恩 童行2.2 - 海報設計4A(12) 林子晴 童行2.2 - 海報設計 童行2.1 - 海報設計4A(17) 梁睿 童行3.2 - 海報設計4C(23) 梁煜塱 童行2.2 - 海報設計4D(27) 涂卓能 童行2.2 - 海報設計4D(12) 鄺依琳 童行2.2 - 海報設計5A(12) 高嘉言 童行2.2 - 海報設計6D(18) 梁傲雋 童行2.2 - 海報設計6A(05) 周卓林 童行2.2 - 海報設計1D(22) 潘思辰 童行2.1 - 海報設計6D(01) 區凱喬 童行2.2 - 海報設計6D(26) 鄧凱琳 童行2.2 - 海報設計3B(04) 鄭綽翹 童行2.1 - 海報設計2A(20) 吳雪瀅 童行2.1 - 海報設計6D(26) 鄧凱琳 童行2.2 - 海報設計6D(04) 陳曉敏 童行2.1 - 海報設計5C(29) 余綽殷 童行3.2 - 海報設計5A(30) 余綽軒 童行3.2 - 海報設計3A(08) 莊昕姸 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師3D(25) 謝梓翰 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師1A(04) 陳芊豫 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師1B(14) 梁皓一 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師3A(26) 曾識予 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師1A(16) 劉諾研 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師3D(25) 謝梓翰 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師3C(28) 黃子熹 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師3D(09) 林澳達 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師3B(27) 內田美 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師3C(14) 林京麟 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師1B(14) 梁皓一 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師3A(26) 曾識予 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師1A(16) 劉諾研 童行3.3 - 抗疫設計師2A(09) 金殷皜 童行2.1 - 承諾卡2A(31) 余昊政 童行2.1 - 承諾卡3B(14) 李漢彥 - 疫情下的無名英雄 童行2.1 - 疫情下的無名英雄5A(21) 鄧穎恩 童行2.1 - 疫情下的無名英雄1B(19) 吳嘉珩 童行2.1 - 疫情下的無名英雄1D(12) 郭采瑜 童行2.1 - 疫情下的無名英雄